• Diamond FX - Senjo Color - Grimas only professional makeup materials, special effects, face and body painting, bodyart, brushes, latex, film blood, accessories

Grimas Transparent Powder, GFIXPTR

  • Grimas Powders
  • Grimas Transparent Powder

5 000 HUF (incl. VAT)

Grimas Transparent Powder, GFIXPTR

  • Grimas Powders
  • Grimas Transparent Powder

7 500 HUF (incl. VAT)

Grimas Transparent Powder, GFIXPTR

  • Grimas Powders
  • Grimas Transparent Powder

5 000 HUF - 7 500 HUF (incl. VAT)

Grimas Transparent Powder is a loose powder used by make-up artists to fix and give a matte finish to Grimas Crème Make-up Pure and Derma Wax. Transparent Powder has a white colour of its own and becomes transparent on contact with waxes and oils (as are used in Grimas Crème Make-up Pure for example). It is not suitable for dark skin – as it turns greyish, use instead Grimas Make-up Powder or Colour Powder. Grimas Transparent Powder is a loose powder that is available 40 gr and 120 gr sizes. Transparent Powder can be applied with a Grimas Velour Powder Puff, a Powder Puff or a Powder Rouge Brush. Gently tap the puff or brush on the back of your hand and then apply lightly on top of the make-up. Allow to settle in and remove excess powder with a Powder-Rouge Brush.


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