• Diamond FX - Senjo Color - Grimas only professional makeup materials, special effects, face and body painting, bodyart, brushes, latex, film blood, accessories

Senjo HD Makeup Setting Powder Transparent 20 gr, TSP010-0Т

  • Senjo SFX special effects, accessories

6 500 HUF (incl. VAT)

Senjo Color HD Makeup Setting Powder Transparent is ideal for fixing and matting makeup or as a transparent/slightly skin tone base. Matte, with silky sheen which does not make the surface appear too dull. The result is almost invisible, protecting firm coat without lumps. This setting powder is suitable for HD (high-resolution) camera work. Customers from all over Europe confirm again and again that our quality powder meets the highest requirements in their work. The Senjo Color HD Makeup Setting Powder comes in two available colors: transparent and skintone, in a 20 gr high quality plastic jar with a sprinkle insert and srew-on lid. Available sizes: 20 gr, 500 gr Origin: Germany


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