• Diamond FX - Senjo Color - Grimas only professional makeup materials, special effects, face and body painting, bodyart, brushes, latex, film blood, accessories

Senjo Latex Edge Filler Transparent paste 30 gr, T02512

  • Senjo SFX special effects, accessories

4 500 HUF (incl. VAT)

Senjo Latex Edge Filler Transparent paste is a latex-based paste (like bondo, pro-bondo, pros-aide cream) for latex prosthetic parts, creates super smooth transition to the skin. Can also be used in molds, for production of wounds/scars and so on, or to make latex skin. Apply directly onto the skin, easy to smooth out edges at prosthetics. Dries to transparent, in more layers has slightly brownish color when dried. Easy to color, just add pigments directly to the paste. In a high quality acrylic jar with screw on lid, can be refilled and re-used to store materials. Size: 30 gr Origin: Germany


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