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Grimas Cleansing Lotion

  • Grimas Care & Cleansing

3 150 HUF (incl. VAT)

Grimas Cleansing Lotion

  • Grimas Care & Cleansing

6 100 HUF (incl. VAT)

Grimas Cleansing Lotion

  • Grimas Care & Cleansing

3 150 HUF - 6 100 HUF (incl. VAT)

Grimas Cleansing Lotion is a cleansing lotion that extra cleanses and degreases the skin, to use both before and after make-up. The lotion is available in a 25 ml and a 100 ml plastic flask. Moisten a cotton wool pad with Grimas Cleansing Lotion and you have a convenient cleanser for various applications. After the skin has been cleaned with Cleansing Lotion, make-up can be applied more easily and without irregularities. If anything is to be stuck to the skin (Grimas Derma Wax, Nose Wax, Latex, Bald Cap), treating the skin with Cleansing Lotion first will improve adhesion. With the help of Cleansing Lotion you can make an eyeliner from Grimas Eyeshadow/Rouge. PRO Tips: Gimas Eyeshadow/Rouge + Cleansing Lotion = eyeliner or lipgloss You can make an eyeliner with Grimas Eyeshadow/Rouge and a little Cleansing Lotion. Scrape a little Grimas Eyeshadow/Rouge loose along the side of the cup using a spatula or the back of a brush. Take it up with a brush that has been moistened with Grimas Cleansing Lotion and mix it on the back of your hand. You can also use it to remove Eyeshadow & Rouge. You also use the Cleansing Lotion to remove any traces of colour that are left behind on the skin after make-up is removed.


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