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Grimas Cleansing Skincare Cream

  • Grimas Care & Cleansing

5 500 HUF (incl. VAT)

Grimas Cleansing Skincare Cream

  • Grimas Care & Cleansing

7 950 HUF (incl. VAT)

Grimas Cleansing Skincare Cream

  • Grimas Care & Cleansing

5 500 HUF - 7 950 HUF (incl. VAT)

Grimas Cleansing Skincare Cream is a soft, greasy and slightly conditioning cream with caring effect, for removing all types of make-up. It is an unperfumed and gentle skin care cream. Used after removal of makeup as a regular day cream for normal to dry skin. Skincare Cream is available in a 75 ml and 200 ml jars. Take the Skincare Cream with a clean plastic spatula out of the jar and apply the emulsion evenly onto the clean skin. Close the jar properly after use.


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